Friday 8 February 2013


We have this obsession with stories.
I’m not sure why,
I wish I knew
because I can’t understand it.
Why are we so obsessed with books and then analysing them, searching for some meaning?
Why does it have to mean something?
It’s just fiction after all.
The people in that story are not real, the events aren’t real
It is just a story.
Some may argue that fiction does have truth—the author’s truth because writers write what they know. Why is it that we seek the author’s truth so desperately?
The author is after all the mastermind behind this fiction, this story, this lie.
What makes his story so important, his truth so important?
What do we want to see in these stories?
Because they are fiction, made up, invented lies.
Why do we seek truth in these lies?
We have this obsession with stories.
I’m not sure why,
I wish I knew
because I can’t understand it.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s because our truths don’t measure up to the magic in these stories.
Like these stories provide an escape from our sad realities and allow us to be someone else in their more exciting alternative reality.
If this is true then it is very sad that we seek comfort from our lives that we built for ourselves and find that they fall short of these lies that someone has so creatively written.
And the author perhaps writing this is escaping his reality to create another because he finds comfort in it, or he wants to show something to his readers or prove a point…as if delivering a truth in the form of a lie.
We have this obsession with stories.
I’m not sure why,
I wish I knew
because I can’t understand it.
What is so bad about our reality that we seek comforts that lie in our heads?
Why do we need these stories?
What do they do for us that we can’t do for ourselves?
Why are they so important to read?
Why do we so desperately try to understand them?
Why do we think that everything means something?
Why does it have to mean something?
Why do these lie evoke such real emotions?
What is it about stories that change our thinking?
How can a lie so beautifully written by a stranger affect our reality that we must write ourselves?
We have this obsession with stories. I’m not sure why, I wish I knew because I can’t understand it.

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